OT: Curry in Manchester
(too old to reply)
2006-07-26 09:21:01 UTC
Hello all,

Could someone recomend a decent curry house in Manchester, pref in the
city centre not Rusholm ?

Where did you lot go when you had the PU in Manchester ?

Rick Booth
2006-07-26 11:28:45 UTC
Post by m***@sean-connolly.co.uk
Could someone recomend a decent curry house in Manchester, pref in the
city centre not Rusholm ?
In the city centre, no. I'm sure such things exist, but when you can get
a bus each way to Rusholme from the city centre for less than a couple of
Post by m***@sean-connolly.co.uk
Where did you lot go when you had the PU in Manchester ?
When we have curry (maybe half the time), we use the New Tabak, at the
south end of Rusholme - it's the last curry house on the left as you come
out of Manchester. Go a la carte - the buffet's ok, but not special.

If you want recommendations for not-curry in town, I can manage *that*...

- rfb
***@rfbooth.com http://www.rfbooth.com/ May become hot when heated.
Rick needs new calipers for his crippled legs and I have a problem with
the nose powder. -- Adrian Clark raising funds in ukmg.
2006-07-26 11:40:10 UTC
Post by m***@sean-connolly.co.uk
Hello all,
Could someone recomend a decent curry house in Manchester, pref in the
city centre not Rusholm ?
*Not* Rushholm? No idea.

The thing is... there may be Indian restaurants in the city but anyone
who is motivated enough to go out for a curry is almost always going go
the extra half a mile down the road where they have a choice of
probably >50 eateries. For this reason alone I'd avoid anywhere in the
city on the grounds that they're probably just trying to mop up the
lazy bastards who can't be bothered to jump on a bus when they stagger
out of a pub and are feeling peckish.
Post by m***@sean-connolly.co.uk
Where did you lot go when you had the PU in Manchester ?
You asked, so I have to answer.... there have been very many PUs in
Manchester and on more than one occaision the UKMGers have ended up in
the 'TABAK'. My initial visit there was somewhat overshadowed by a
subsequent bout of explosive diarrhoea that lasted for 48 hours.
Naysayers might point out that overconsumption of beer/lime pickle was
a factor in this and I'd tend to agreee where it not for the fact that
three other UKMGers also fell foul of a major gastrointestinal
disturbance and likewise spent a day or two nailed to the bog.
Undettered though I have returned to this eatery in the compnay of many
fine UKMGers and enjoyed some excellent food. I particularly recommend
the starter that is little strips of chicken fried in a spiced chickpea
batter. In a slight nod to Heston Blumenthal they also have a curry
dish featuring tiny slivers of plain chocolate. Excellent. It's almost
good enough for me to forgive them the trauma of my initial visit.


My personal recommendation for Rushholme eats though is the 'Shere
Kahn', consistently good food there over the last 20 years, breads are
always freshly prepared, grilled meats cooked in front of you and a
couple of karahis in the center of the restaurant where you can watch
chefs knocking up the specials. They've always offered up good service
to me even when the restaurant is packed (it often is) and are always
willing to accomodate special orders for things not on the menu.

2006-07-26 12:49:50 UTC
Post by m***@sean-connolly.co.uk
Could someone recomend a decent curry house in Manchester, pref in the
city centre not Rusholm ?
Ahh, many thanks for all that tis a great help !

2006-07-27 18:03:40 UTC
Iv'e not had a curry in the city centre for a long long time, obviously
the cafe's on tib street provide the best food although they don't
provide much in the way of comfort. I used to use the Halbilal in
Rusholme, which is great for both food and its surroundings
Post by m***@sean-connolly.co.uk
Post by m***@sean-connolly.co.uk
Could someone recomend a decent curry house in Manchester, pref in the
city centre not Rusholm ?
Ahh, many thanks for all that tis a great help !
2006-07-28 15:14:14 UTC
Post by i***@eastserve.com
Iv'e not had a curry in the city centre for a long long time, obviously
the cafe's on tib street provide the best food although they don't
provide much in the way of comfort. I used to use the Halbilal in
Rusholme, which is great for both food and its surroundings
We've booked in to Shimla Pinks, looks excellent if rather expensive.
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